Sunday 17 February 2013

Art Of Relations

This picture above is a picture I took recently. You may ask why is it here and how is it even related to the city? Well, it in fact can be related to the city. Every city has buildings. Each building is connected to one another through some mutual relationship. The art of interconnectivity and relations between each building makes the city a city. Look at the Port in Port of Spain for example. The port is related to multiple buildings located in the city. There are the banks for transaction of money. There is the police station for security. The Fire station constructed for protection of the people in the vicinity if there were to be a fire. The multiple health services throughout the city also show how the links are made. Every building made within the city is related to one another and work for the betterment of each other. As in the picture I posted, friends are interconnected with one another. One person is linked to another and so another relationship is made. If a link is broken and nothing works for the betterment of the city then fragmentation can occur.  The fire service saves people from the fires, and then the health service takes care of them. Ambulances serve the city in a way for quick transport of injured people to the health centers. If an ambulance were to ignore an accident they were to encounter on the route throughout the city, say near to the port (if there were to be one) and not give any assistance for excuses such as not being called upon, they were on a lunch break or they just did not like the type of people in the accident for example, this would be counter productive. This is bad judgment on the part of the person driving the ambulance, if they do not work together then there would not be any way in forming relations within the city and would lead to the downfall of society on the whole.  People have to put first, their humanity and proper thinking to ensure peace in the society. There is the police force which maintains a level of order in the area but cannot change people’s way of thinking. The port allows for people to have connections to the greater world and allows for commercial activity. According to Ullman and Harris' Multiple Nuclei Model, a city forms from one main CBD and it's smaller various centers. This is the same as people, one friend may have various friends and each may have mutual friends and as a result the interconnections grow. In fact, each city center causes a growth around that area and when the areas grow large enough, they all interconnect and expand forming a wider commercial center. The end result is a linking of all the cities through their interrelations. They all work together for one goal, the betterment of the society and it’s advancement in the developing world. To ensure this growth, people must work together in harmony and form connections. These connections may not be personal but on the basis that what needs to be done is done. It goes beyond race and color, greed and pride, and appeals to the humane side of people.

Below is a video entitled One love by Bob Marley. It's lyrics go out to being one and working together.

Reference: Hall and Barret, Urban Geography. London and New York, Routledge Publishing. 2012 (page 40).


  1. I like to see so many different ethnic backgrounds within the same friendship circle

  2. Very insightful! I guess we all live in our own little friend 'cities'

  3. Friendship is something I will never see art in.....good job with this. I really like it!

  4. I'm not sure this is "art".

    It's true that networks are important for urban logistics and processes, and these are crucial to development and liveability -- but what's this got to do with "love" or "art"? I would like to see a clearer relationship.

    Ullman and Harris is probably not the best academic reference for this post, so maybe include some others for your audience?

