Sunday 3 March 2013

Trinidad's Indigenous Foods!!!

I hope you've had something to eat because after this blog if you hadn't you'd be craving for our Trini cuisine!!!This blog is dedicated to the culture of food in Trinidad. The above photograph taken in St.James illustrates one of the many roti shops in this area. St.James is called the "little city that never sleeps" and is famous for it’s chicken roti. It’s so famous that it was part of a show dedicated to Trinidad’s natural cuisine. The video below was shown on a travel network on television. It shows the different types of mouth watering foods found in this island paradise and St.James was one of the many areas visited. Trinidad’s cuisine is related to urban geography as the entire area in St.James is full of business of which places, one of the most prominent is food. The area is open late in the night and attracts many tourists. According to Hall and Barret, Urban tourism has economic, social and cultural impacts on its host communities. It is also argued that many jobs associated with tourism are low paid and highly seasonal. On the other hand, food is never seasonal!! If tourists don't buy it, some hungry person will!! But it still goes to show that this area is greatly affected by the art of making food such as the chicken roti and has become such a popular treat that it had to be featured on international television!

Reference: Hall and Barret. Urban Geography. London and New York, Routledge Publishing. 2012 (page 93).


  1. I remember looking at that episode of Bizarre Foods it was very interesting. Food and culture is closely linked as portrayed by the video and there are many of places in Trinidad and Tobago that people select to eat as a result of this.nice blog!

  2. "bizarre foods" -- puff. How Eurocentric.

    I admire your enthusiasm and like the pic! Can you tell us a bit more about how this ties in with "art"?

  3. Art is not only to do with the painting etc. It is also about the culture of a people, wrt this it's based on the different types of food in Trinidad. The show "bizarre foods" is an international show and it singled out Trinidad's foods, i saw it as a valid reference as to how far Trinidad's culture has reached.
